'對不起,我的兩個寶貝女兒,沒有預先跟你們說聲便離開了。 這當作一月一號的驚喜吧。 當你們看到這封信的時候,我已經出發去環遊世界了。我已經攰了,老了,精神大不如前 , 也厭倦了那些每天打鬥渡日的日子。 

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粉紅色的林寶堅尼,粉紅色的外套,粉紅色的t恤。。。身上任何一個角落也會找到粉紅色的蹤影,她就是Tiffany ,Tiffany Hwang 。

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和普通的15歲的少女一樣,泰妍和俞利還是要上學的。而金爸把二個女兒由普通的地方中學轉往首爾市最高的學府-Y中學。Y中學的學生,非富則貴, 可以說是大韓民國的'未來"集中地。


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九個當時的倖存者, 現在只有金泰妍和權俞利 還在孤兒院, 等待被人收養。而泰妍一天又一天數着,美英已經離開自己身邊一百天。心, 依舊覺得很空虛, 不時覺得很寂寞。她腦海全是美英的影子。 曾經一度她十分討厭粉紅色,但在美英這個粉紅惡魔的影響下, 慢慢的接受了粉紅色的存在,而美英也成為她生活中不可或缺的一部分。


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"美英呀,我們會再見嗎?我們在明天後, 恐怕要各散東西了,你有新的家人了。"

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首爾市,不但是整個韓國的經濟命脈, 同時也是一個追夢地方。 在人來人往的大街上,人學懂和時間追逐、競賽。而慢慢地人們迷失自我,沉淪在這個紙醉金迷的世界。 是這個繁榮的城市, 暗地裏被血腥充斥, 被暴力主宰它的命運。


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Watching "If I Stay" is almost the best thing happened in my life,everything is so beautifully shattered (I don't know if that is proper or not).

Mia is an amazing character that has a perfect life, but all in a sudden,choice arrives.A car accident brought away her beloved parents with her younger brother teddy.I cried too when I found out.Just imagine how could a young girl stay clam. Think about it, the moment you realized you are all alone, the moment you realize every single piece of wonderful memories could never came alive again. Everything is just so painful that you can't barely survive .

I also appreciate how Mia stands strong, even she lost almost everything, and there is nothing means for her to "stay". She's back because she realized there is someone out there waiting for her.

I couldn't judge if Mia is right to stay, but one thing I'm sure is it totally worth it. Life is unpredictable, and there is no way to limit yourself when you can walk way farther than you can be.

And yes, this may be one of the best novel I've ever read.Beautifully constructed and breathtaking  moment came alive, magical and sorrow at the same time when it showed on screen.

Talking about the next main deal of today, the soundtrack of the film.It goes along with the movie smoothly which I'm pretty surprised.

Most of all, it's magical to have a new version of the song "Today".Having an amazing combination between Cello and guitar.And itsymbolizes Adam and Mia, two people from two different worlds of music are here together. I couldn't say this is the best soundtrack I've ever heard, but I do agree it's a delightful experience for me to hear it.

Spoiler alert !
Adam and Mia is such a darling couple in "If I Stay", but they did getinto separate ways for the next sequel.But don't worry, this on-and-off couple always got a happy ending after giving up all those they had before.

But honestly, after I read its sequel "Where she went", I don't think asequel's debut will be awesome as "If I Stay". It's hard to adopt and believe everything'd changed.

Blah, I just can't stop reading and watching "If I Stay". Lovely Chole Moretz is definitely a perfect match for Mia.

P.s. For those haven't watch the books or the films, do spare some time for "If I Stay" in the long boring holidays!

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